Hey everyone! We’re got a big announcement today—it’s the first monthly “DANCEFLOOR THUNDERSTORM” Free Book Contest!
What is this contest? It’s really simple, actually: be the first to answer a bunch of electronic music-related questions correctly, and you win a FREE COPY of the first American rave photo book, “DANCEFLOOR THUNDERSTORM: Land Of The Free, Home Of The Rave”. This first coffee table book about the glory days of the American rave scene has already won accolades from Mixmag, Buzzfeed, Vice and others, and now you can get a copy of your very own…for FREE!
That’s right, FREE. No ordering costs, no shipping costs, NOTHING. You win, you get the book. That’s it. Really.

YIKES! What kind of mashup is this?? Has a plastic surgeon gone berserk?? Well, sort of…in Photoshop, anyway! As you might have guessed, we cobbled together this interesting collection of facial parts from several famous DJs, and you have to figure out who those DJs are! Some are old-school rave veterans, and some are newer EDM artists. Can you tell what parts belong to what spinners? Put your best answers to the following facial features:
Ears (top):
Ear (side):
Face & mouth:
Facial hair:
OK, we’ll give you ONE hint: the purple ear on the side belongs to Dillon Francis. As far as the rest is concerned…you’re on your own!
Please send your entries through the Contact page on the “DANCEFLOOR THUNDERSTORM” web site: https://dancefloorthunderstorm.com/contact/
The first contestant who writes in all of the correct answers will win a copy of the book. Any entries with less than all answers correct will not qualify. Only one entry per person, and multiple entries from any one person will be discarded, so guess carefully! Once the winner is determined, we will contact them to inform them of their good fortune, and to obtain a shipping address.
The contest ends on March 31, 2016. GOOD LUCK!!!