I won’t kid you, there are times when it’s tough being a book publisher and seller. I don’t mean to make this sound like “woe is me”–I did get into this quite voluntarily, after all–but there are more than a few aspects to this line of work that can sometimes become genuinely frustrating. This is why I get such a sense of relief and satisfaction when I receive letters from the readers (and, dare I say, fans?) of “DANCEFLOOR THUNDERSTORM“. It reminds me about one of the reasons why I wrote the book in the first place–to reach out to the people in this wonderful rave community that we share.
Most of the time, the messages I receive are short, little positive notes about the pictures, which I truly appreciate. However, I recently received word from a customer who took this thing a step further with one of the most heartfelt and genuine letters I’ve received in a long time, which I’d like to share with you here.
The correspondence was from Kristen Brown, the author of the e-book “What Didn’t Kill Me“, and who has graciously allowed me to reprint her words and name here. Kristen has a boyfriend (whose name I have changed to David to respect his privacy) who is presently in a rehab/treatment program, and who needs all the support he can get. David is a part of the electronic music community, and his enforced isolation from it has apparently been very hard on him. To help lift David’s spirits, Kristen just recently bought him a copy of “DANCEFLOOR THUNDERSTORM“, which is on its way to him at this moment.
The following correspondence from Kristen is an amalgamation of different parts of a conversation with me that took place over the course of a few emails. None of the words have been changed, but I have rearranged some of them for the sake of clarity of reading here.
“The circumstances under which I purchased this book for my boyfriend, David, are intense at the least. Things are one breath above rock bottom for David right now, so it’s only up from here. He is not expecting this book, so it will be a huge, well-received surprise. In the privation of his current situation, his love of music as a former DJ, and his interest in this book, I can assure you, David will enjoy this book more than you can imagine. I’m sending him this book as a vibrant rainbow in the middle of his gloomy thunderstorm. He will probably cry when he receives it. I’m dead serious.
I know for a fact, DANCEFLOOR THUNDERSTORM will absolutely be a tremendous comfort to David right now, which is why I ordered it for him. I have limited access to him, which I have been using to play all the EDM in as many sub-genres as I can, including my personal fav…vomitstep, via phone and video chat in 10-25 minute increments three times a day. The music brings him to tears, that’s why I know this book will really reach his heart right now. Addiction takes everything without apology, and in his current restrictive environment, all I can give back to him for now is the music. I’m sure you know what that can mean to someone who loves music the way we do.
Thank you for your prompt response to my purchase, current updates on the status of my order, and your personal touch in the tenor of your emails. Next time I need to order a book on Amazon, I will search by seller, because you have just made a friend for life with me.”
Wow. Kristen, you are to be congratulated, because you’re succeeding in making two people very happy and grateful with this purchase. I don’t mind saying that these are the things that keep people like myself going. To know that someone thinks highly enough of my book that they would use it as a tool to give comfort and solace to someone in need–that’s the sort of thing that puts a great big lump in my throat. I mean, every author dreams of getting fan letters, but when someone in the community takes it a step further like this…that’s a powerful feeling.
Thank you Kristen, for making all of us here at 5150 Publishing feel that much prouder about what we’re doing, and more certain about our motivations behind our work. It’s hard work, but responses like yours make it all worthwhile. And David, we all hope that you find the strength and the wherewithal to get out of the dark place you’re in right now. You have fans here in L.A. and we’re all pulling for you. Don’t give up, because you can do this. The scene believes in you…never forget that.